Vamos hoje aqui postar uma bela árvore bem conhecida, em
pleno esplendor outonal:
«Platanaceae Platanus × acerifolia ( Aiton ) Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 4(1): 474. 1805 , pro sp.
hybridparent:Platanaceae Platanus orientalis L. Sp. Pl. 2: 999. 1753 [1 May 1753]
hybridparent:Platanaceae Platanus occidentalis L.
basionym:Platanaceae Platanus orientalis L. var. acerifolia Aiton Hortus Kew. (W. Aiton) 3: 364. 1789
Remarks: G. Besnard & al. (Euphytica 126:401–412. 2002) confirm the hybrid origin.G. Besnard & al. (Euphytica 126:401–412. 2002) confirm the hybrid origin. Some works (e.g., F. Yaltirik in P. H. Davis (ed.), Fl. Turkey 7: 655. 1988) treated P. hybrida Brot. [10 Jul 1805] as having priority over P. x acerifolia [1805].»
«Platanaceae Platanus × acerifolia ( Aiton ) Willd., Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 4(1): 474. 1805 , pro sp.
hybridparent:Platanaceae Platanus orientalis L. Sp. Pl. 2: 999. 1753 [1 May 1753]
hybridparent:Platanaceae Platanus occidentalis L.
basionym:Platanaceae Platanus orientalis L. var. acerifolia Aiton Hortus Kew. (W. Aiton) 3: 364. 1789
Remarks: G. Besnard & al. (Euphytica 126:401–412. 2002) confirm the hybrid origin.G. Besnard & al. (Euphytica 126:401–412. 2002) confirm the hybrid origin. Some works (e.g., F. Yaltirik in P. H. Davis (ed.), Fl. Turkey 7: 655. 1988) treated P. hybrida Brot. [10 Jul 1805] as having priority over P. x acerifolia [1805].»
A foto é bastante recente, de 21.XI.2012, em meio urbano e assumidamente botânico.